The Rise of Standalone Components in Angular

The Rise of Standalone Components in Angular

Angular, which is a well-known JavaScript framework for creating web applications, has undergone significant changes in recent years. One of the most remarkable advancements is the introduction of standalone components in Angular version 14. This new feature has transformed the way developers approach component architecture and has brought about several benefits that are shaping the future of Angular development. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of standalone components, and their advantages and discuss how they are revolutionizing Angular development.

What are Standalone Components?

Angular's component architecture has undergone a paradigm shift with the introduction of standalone components, also known as "root" components. Previously, components were typically organized within NgModules, which served as containers for related components and services. However, with the introduction of standalone components, there is no longer a dependency on NgModules. Standalone components can exist independently without requiring an NgModule to define them. This simplifies the overall structure of Angular applications and provides developers with greater flexibility in organizing their components.

Here is an example of a simple Angular standalone component:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-standalone-component',
  standalone: true,
  templateUrl: './standalone-component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./standalone-component.css']
export class MyStandaloneComponent {}

Once you have created a standalone component, you can import and use it in any part of your application without ever thinking about Modules. This has made my experience using angular a lot better because I don't have to define common or shared Modules anymore.

Benefits of Standalone Components

The introduction of standalone components has brought about several advantages that are shaping the future of Angular development. These benefits include:

  1. Simplified Application Structure: By removing the reliance on NgModules, standalone components streamline the overall structure of Angular applications. This makes it easier for developers to manage and organize components, especially in large-scale projects.

  2. Improved Reusability: Standalone components are inherently more reusable than their NgModule-based counterparts. They can be easily shared across different applications or even published as independent libraries, promoting code reusability and reducing development time.

  3. Enhanced Tree Shaking: Tree Shaking is a JavaScript optimization technique that removes unused code, reducing the overall application size. Standalone components facilitate more effective tree shaking, as they are self-contained and can be easily identified for removal if unused.

  4. Easier Lazy Loading: Lazy loading is a technique for loading components only when they are needed, improving application performance. Standalone components make lazy loading more straightforward, as they can be directly loaded without the need for NgModules.

  5. Reduced Boilerplate Code: Standalone components eliminate the need for NgModule-related boilerplate code, making the development process more efficient and less error-prone.

Creating a Standalone Component using Angular CLI

Creating a Standalone component isn't very different from the usual way to create.

Components, directives, and pipes can now be marked as standalone: true

ng g c component-name --standalone

The Future of Angular Development

The introduction of standalone components represents a significant step forward in the evolution of Angular. With their numerous benefits, standalone components are expected to become the standard for component architecture in Angular development. As the framework continues to progress, we can anticipate the arrival of more enhancements and tools that harness the power of standalone components, resulting in even more streamlined and efficient Angular development.

You can read the official Angular Update on Standalone Components here


Angular development has taken a great leap forward with the introduction of standalone components. These components offer various benefits, such as simplifying the structure of applications, improving code reusability, and enhancing performance. As Angular continues to evolve, standalone components are poised to become the backbone of Angular's component architecture and shape the future of its development. Keep an eye out for another exciting feature in Angular - SIGNALS